CNX Nifty F&O

A futures contract is a forward contract, which is traded on an Exchange. NSE commenced trading in index futures on June 12, 2000. The index futures contracts are based on the popular market benchmark CNX Nifty index. (Selection criteria for indices)

NSE defines the characteristics of the futures contract such as the underlying index, market lot, and the maturity date of the contract. The futures contracts are available for trading from introduction to the expiry date.

Contract Specifications

Security descriptor

The security descriptor for the CNX Nifty futures contracts is:

  • Market type : N
  • Instrument Type : FUTIDX
  • Underlying : NIFTY
  • Expiry date : Date of contract expiry

  • Instrument type represents the instrument i.e. Futures on Index.
  • Underlying symbol denotes the underlying index which is CNX Nifty
  • Expiry date identifies the date of expiry of the contract

Underlying Instrument

The underlying index is CNX NIFTY.

Trading cycle

NIFTY futures contracts have a maximum of 3-month trading cycle - the near month (one), the next month (two) and the far month (three). A new contract is introduced on the trading day following the expiry of the near month contract. The new contract will be introduced for a three month duration. This way, at any point in time, there will be 3 contracts available for trading in the market i.e., one near month, one mid month and one far month duration respectively

Expiry day

CNX Nifty futures contracts expire on the last Thursday of the expiry month. If the last Thursday is a trading holiday, the contracts expire on the previous trading day.

Trading Parameters

Contract size

The value of the futures contracts on Nifty may not be less than Rs. 2 lakhs at the time of introduction. The permitted lot size for futures contracts & options contracts shall be the same for a given underlying or such lot size as may be stipulated by the Exchange from time to time.

Download the file for permitted lot size (.csv)

Price steps

The price step in respect of CNX Nifty futures contracts is Re.0.05.

Base Prices

Base price of CNX Nifty futures contracts on the first day of trading would be theoretical futures price.. The base price of the contracts on subsequent trading days would be the daily settlement price of the futures contracts.

Price bands

There are no day minimum/maximum price ranges applicable for CNX Nifty futures contracts. However, in order to prevent erroneous order entry by trading members, operating ranges are kept at +/- 10 %. In respect of orders which have come under price freeze, members would be required to confirm to the Exchange that there is no inadvertent error in the order entry and that the order is genuine. On such confirmation the Exchange may approve such order.

Quantity freeze

The applicable quantity freeze limit shall be based on the level of the underlying index as per the following table:

Index Level  
From To Quantity Freeze
0 5750 15000
5751 8625 10000
8626 11500 7500
11501 17250 5000
> 17250 2500

Download the file for quantity freeze (.xls)

Order type/Order book/Order attribute

  • Regular lot order
  • Stop loss order
  • Immediate or cancel
  • Spread order

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