Contract Specifications

Equity Derivatives
Parameter Index Futures Index Options Futures on Individual Securities Options on Individual Securities Long Term Index Options
Underlying 2 indices 2 indices 140 securities 140 securities Nifty 50
Security Descriptor:
Underlying Symbol Symbol of Underlying Index Symbol of Underlying Index Symbol of Underlying Security Symbol of Underlying Security NIFTY
Option Type - CE / PE - CE / PE CE / PE
Strike Price - Strike Price - Strike Price Strike Price
Trading Cycle 3 month trading cycle - the near month (one), the next month (two) and the far month (three).
For NIFTY 50 weekly Options- Every Thursday of the week. In case the Thursday is a trading holiday, the previous trading day shall be the expiry/last trading day. All contracts shall expire at the normal market closing time on the expiry day or such other time as decided by Exchange.
Three quarterly expiries (March, June, Sept & Dec cycle) and next 8half yearly expiries (Jun, Dec cycle)
Expiry Day Last Thursday of the expiry month. If the last Thursday is a trading holiday, then the expiry day is the previous trading day.
For NIFTY 50 weekly Options -7 weekly expiry contracts excluding the expiry week of monthly contract. New serial weekly options contract shall be introduced after expiry of the respective week's contract.
Strike Price Intervals - Depending on underlying price - Depending on Underlying volatility* Depending on underlying price
Permitted Lot Size Underlying specific Underlying specific Underlying specific Underlying specific Underlying specific
Price Steps Rs.0.05 Rs.0.05 Rs.0.05 Rs.0.05 Rs.0.05
Price Bands Operating range of 10% of the base price A contract specific price range based on its delta value is computed and updated on a daily basis Operating range of 10% of the base price A contract specific price range based on its delta value is computed and updated on a daily basis A contract specific price range based on its delta value is computed and updated on a daily basis

* w.e.f April 1, 2013