
Short / non-reporting of client margin

The following penalty shall be levied on the members for short / non-collection of margins from their clients beyond T + 2 working days in case of short reporting by trading/clearing member as per the details given below per instance.

Short collection for each client Penalty percentage
(< Rs 1 lakh) And (< 10% of applicable margin) 0.5%
(= Rs 1 lakh) Or (= 10% of applicable margin) 1.0%

Where a = short-collection / non-collection of margins per client per day

In case of short-collection /non collection of initial margins, the above penalty structure would be applicable from T day.

  • The members are supposed to report the collection of all margins from their clients at the end of each trading day and to report short collection/non-collection of all margins on the T+5 day.
  • All instances of non-reporting shall amount to 100% non-collection of margin and the penalty as prescribed above shall be charged on these instances in respect of non-collection. The penalty shall be collected by the Exchanges not later than five days of the last working day of the trading month.
  • With respect to repeated defaulters, who default 3 times or more during a month, the penalty would be 5% of the shortfall in such instances.(Every short/non collection of margin is to be considered as one instance of default. In case margin shortage is reported for a client 3 times or more during a month, i.e., either in consecutive instances or in 3 different instances, the penalty would be 5% of the shortfall from 4th instance of shortfall. E.g. shortage is reported for a client on 1st and 2nd day of month consecutively; thereafter again on 10th day shortage is reported. So the number of instances is 3 and in case shortage is reported on any day later in the month, the penalty shall be 5% of the shortfall amount for all such instances beyond 3rd instance.)
  • All the penalties collected as prescribed above shall be credited to the Investor Protection Fund.

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