Commodity Derivatives

Commodity Derivatives markets are a good source of critical information and indicator of market sentiments. Since, commodities are frequently used as input in the production of goods or services, uncertainty and volatility in commodity prices and raw materials makes the business environment erratic, unpredictable and subject to unforeseeable risks.


Volatility in raw material costs affects businesses and can be significant given that commodity prices are driven by supply and demand from domestics as well as global markets. Ability to manage or mitigate risks by using suitable hedging in commodity derivative products, can positively affect business performance. Futures & Options, are by far the most common Commodity Derivatives products offered on an Exchange, that are well structured and regulated through robust mechanisms and controls.


NSE launched the Commodities derivatives segment on October 12, 2018. Currently Futures on Commodity derivatives are available on Bullion and Energy

This section provides you with an insight into the overview of the commodity derivatives segment on NSE. :

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