
The naming convention of the report is F_BK01_<Primary member code>_DDMMYYYY.CSV.gz. The report is available in the directory /Faoftp/F<MEMBER CODE> /Reports on the extranet server.

The file provides the following details:

  • Net Debit or Credit transaction for various settlements like Mark to Market, Premium, Exercise etc.
  • Break up of 1 above into the debit or credit transaction for the respective settlement i.e. Mark to Market, Premium, Exercise.

The File is available in the directory /Faoftp/F<primary member code>/Reports on the extranet server.

The format of the file for each record is as follows:

Txn Received Date : DD-MMM-YYYY
Txn Code : 1106 for Debit, 2106 for Credit. The Txn code will appear only for the final transactions sent to the bank.
Txn Number : Unique transaction number
Description : Details of the transaction is present like netted/ MTM/ Premium.
Debit Amount : In Rs
Credit Amount : In Rs

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