Liquid Assets

Clearing members are required to provide liquid assets which adequately cover various margins and liquid net worth requirements. A clearing member may deposit liquid assets in the form of cash, bank guarantees, fixed deposit receipts, approved securities and any other form of collateral as may be prescribed from time to time. The total liquid assets comprise of the cash component and the non cash component wherein the cash component shall be at least 50% of liquid assets.

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Liquid Networth

Approved securities


Bank Fixed Deposit Receipts (FDRs)

Bank Guarantees (BGs)

Mutual Funds

Government Securities and T-Bills

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Releases of Liquid Assets

Member may request the Clearing Corporation to release deposits held by the Clearing Corporation. Such requests may be considered by the Clearing Corporation if the Clearing Corporation chooses not to exercise its lien pursuant to the Rules, Byelaws and Regulations and subject to availability after due adjustments for the due fulfilment of all obligations and liabilities arising out of or incidental to any contracts entered into by such member and subject to the bye laws, rules and regulations of the Clearing Corporation or anything done in pursuance thereof.

The web based facility of Collaterals Interface for Members (CIM) is provided for submission of release requests of collaterals. The members may select the desired available collaterals for release. Release requests though CIM can also be placed using a file upload facility.

Collection of released collaterals submitted to NSE Clearing

The representative of the members coming to collect released FDR/ BG is required to carry an authorization letter.

The released Fixed Deposit Receipts / Bank Guarantees can be collected on the next working day of the release.

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