Thematic Indices
NIFTY100 ESG Index ![]()
NIFTY100 ESG Index is designed to reflect the performance of companies within NIFTY 100 index, based on Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) scores. The weight of each constituent in the index is tilted based on ESG score assigned to the company i.e. the constituent weight is derived from its free float market capitalization and ESG score.
The index has a base date of April 01, 2011 and a base value of 1000
To form part of the NIFTY100 ESG Index, stocks should qualify the following eligibility criteria:
- Stocks should form part of NIFTY 100
- Companies should have an ESG score
- Companies with a controversy category 4 and 5 will be excluded (scale: 1-5, category of 1 being least controversial)
- Companies engaged in the business of tobacco, alcohol, controversial weapons and gambling operations shall be excluded.
The number of constituents in the index will be variable. Sector weights are based on free float market capitalisation. Each constituent within sector is ESG tilt weighted and capped at 10%. Index is reconstituted on a semi-annual basis.
White Paper on "Capturing the intangible value of sustainable and responsible businessess"
Download Fact Sheet of NIFTY100 ESG (.pdf)
Download Methodology of NIFTY100 ESG (.pdf)
NIFTY100 Enhanced ESG Index ![]()
NIFTY100 Enhanced ESG Index is designed to reflect the performance of companies within NIFTY 100 index based on Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) score. Companies should have normalized ESG score of atleast 50% to form part of this index. The weight of each constituent in the index is tilted based on ESG score assigned to the company, i.e. the constituent weight is derived from its free float market capitalization and the ESG score.
The index has a base date of April 01, 2011 and a base value of 1000
To form part of the NIFTY100 Enhanced ESG Index, stocks should qualify the following eligibility criteria:
- Stocks should form part of NIFTY 100
- Companies should have an ESG score
- Companies should have normalized ESG Score of atleast 50%
- Companies with a controversy category of 4 and 5 will be excluded (scale: 1-5, category of 1 being least controversial)
- Companies engaged in the business of tobacco, alcohol, controversial weapons and gambling operations shall be excluded
The number of constituents in the index will be variable. Sector weights are based on free float market capitalisation. Each constituent within sector is ESG tilt weighted and capped at 10%. Index is reconstituted on a semi-annual basis
White Paper on "Capturing the intangible value of sustainable and responsible business"
Download Fact Sheet of NIFTY100 Enhanced ESG (.pdf)
Download Methodology of NIFTY100 Enhanced ESG (.pdf)
Nifty100 ESG Sector Leaders 
Nifty100 ESG Sector Leaders Index aims to track the performance of select companies within each sectors of the Nifty 100 which have scored well on management of ESG risk and which do not have involvement in any major controversies.
- Tracks a portfolio of select large cap stocks within each sector performing well on ESG parameters
- Companies involved in any major Environmental, Social or Governance controversy are excluded
- Companies engaged in the business of tobacco, alcohol, controversial weapons and gambling operations are excluded
- Provides ~75% coverage of Free Float Market Cap of eligible stocks within each sector in Nifty 100.
- Stock weights are based on their free float market cap subject to 10% cap
- The index has variable number of stocks and is rebalanced semi-annually
White Paper on "Gaining exposure to large cap companies with superior ESG risk management"
NIFTY SME EMERGE Index is designed to reflect the performance of a portfolio of eligible small and medium enterprises that are listed on NSE EMERGE platform. The index constituents are weighted based on free float market capitalization.
The index has a base date of December 01, 2016 and a base value of 1000
To form part of the NIFTY SME EMERGE Index, stocks should qualify the following eligibility criteria:
- Stocks should be listed under NSE EMERGE platform.
- At the time of quarterly review, stocks should have traded for a minimum of 25% of trading days subject to a minimum of 10 trading days during the previous 3 months .
- Minimum number of constituents in the index is 20
Index is reconstituted on a quarterly basis
White Paper on NIFTY SME EMERGE Index by NSE Indices
"Emerging companies, high growth potential" DOWNLOAD HERE
Download List of NIFTY SME EMERGE Stocks (.csv)
Nifty Commodities Index
The Nifty Commodities Index is designed to reflect the behaviour and performance of a diversified portfolio of companies representing the commodities segment which includes sectors like Oil, Petroleum Products, Cement, Power, Chemical, Sugar, Metals and Mining. The Nifty Commodities Index comprises of 30 companies that are listed on the National Stock Exchange (NSE).
Nifty CPSE Index
Nifty CPSE Index is constructed in order to facilitate Government of India’s initiative to dis-invest some of its stake in selected CPSEs. The government opted for ETF route for disinvestment. The ETF shall track the performance of the Nifty CPSE index.
Nifty Corporate Group Indices
The corporate group indices are designed to reflect performance of companies belonging to a particular corporate group. Various categories of market participants have invested in the companies forming part of these groups. In order to measure the performance of securities of a particular group, NSE Indices has developed indices on 3 corporate groups as under:
Nifty Energy Index
Energy sector is universally recognized as one of the most significant inputs for economic growth. The growth of a nation, encompassing all sectors of the economy and all sections of society, is contingent on meeting its energy requirements adequately.
As a fast-growing economy, India has become one of the largest energy intensive countries in the World. Energy is a crucial input for India's development process. The need of the hour, therefore, is to meet the energy needs of all segments of India's population in the most efficient and cost-effective manner while ensuring long-term sustainability. NSE Indices has developed Nifty Energy Index to capture the performance of the companies in this sector.
Nifty Energy Index include companies belonging to Petroleum, Gas and Power sub sectors.
Download List of Nifty Energy Index Stocks (.csv)
Nifty India Consumption Index
The Nifty India Consumption Index is designed to reflect the behavior and performance of a diversified portfolio of companies representing the domestic consumption sector which includes sectors like Consumer Non-durables, Healthcare, Auto, Telecom Services, Pharmaceuticals, Hotels, Media & Entertainment, etc. The Nifty India Consumption Index comprises of 30 companies listed on the National Stock Exchange.
Download List of Nifty India
Consumption Index Stocks (.csv)
Nifty Infrastructure Index
It is well recognized that quality infrastructure is one of the most important necessities for unleashing high and sustained growth.
Government outlay for infrastructure has increased significantly over the years. Clearly, infrastructure has been a focus area. Over the years, not only have the outlays for budgetary expenditure towards the infrastructure sector been increasing, but private investment is also being encouraged. Earlier, the emphasis was on bringing in more and more projects, now the emphasis also includes encouraging financial products suited for infrastructure.
To meet the financial needs of this public-private partnership, it is necessary to promote standards and raise capital in the most efficient and cost-effective manner while ensuring long-term sustainability. Recognizing the needs of the market, NSE Indices has developed Nifty Infrastructure Index to capture the performance of the companies in the infrastructure sector.
Nifty Infrastructure Index include companies belonging to Telecom, Power, Port, Air, Roads, Railways, shipping and other Utility Services providers.
Download List of Nifty Infrastructure stocks (.csv)
Nifty MNC Index
The NIFTY MNC Index comprises of 30 listed companies on National Stock Exchange (NSE) in which the foreign promoter shareholding is over 50%.
Market Representation
- • The Nifty MNC Index represents about 6% of the free float market capitalization of the stocks listed on the NSE as on March 31, 2016.
- • The traded value for the last six months ending March 2016 of all index constituents is approximately 5.8% of the traded value of all stocks on NSE.
*Nifty MNC Index was computed using market capitalization weighted method from the launch date till October 08, 2010.
Nifty PSE Index
As part of its agenda to reform the Public Sector Enterprises (PSE), the Government has selectively been disinvesting its holdings in public sector enterprises since 1991. With a view to provide regulators, investors and market intermediaries with an appropriate benchmark that captures the performance of this segment of the market, as well as to make available an appropriate basis for pricing forthcoming issues of PSEs, NSE Indices has developed the Nifty PSE Index, comprising of 20 PSE stocks.
Nifty Services Sector Index
The Indian Economy has seen structural changes in the last few years. According to RBI data, the services sector remained the principal driver of the Indian economy, contributing 55 per cent of the growth of real GDP in 2006-07. The key driver for the growth of the service sector has been industries like IT, Banks, Tourism, Telecommunication etc. Going forward, the service sector will grow manifold mainly on account of the India’s low cost advantage, increasing demand for Customer services and the booming knowledge economy. To capture the performance of the companies belonging to this sector, NSE Indices has developed Nifty Services Sector Index to capture the performance of the companies in this sector.
The Nifty Services Sector Index is 30 stocks index and includes companies belonging to services sector like Computers – Software, IT Education and Training, Banks, Telecommunication –services, Financial Institutions, Power, Media, Courier, Shipping etc.
Nifty100 Liquid 15 Index
Nifty100 Liquid 15 Index is designed to provide exposure to the liquid stocks while making the index easily replicable and tradable. In order to make the index easily replicable and tradable, criteria’s such as minimum turnover ratio and free float market capitalization are applied while selection of stocks. The index constitutes only 15 stocks with maximum weight of single stock capped at 15%.
Download List of Nifty100 Liquid 15 Index Stocks (.csv)
Download Fact Sheet of Nifty100 Liquid 15 Index (.pdf)
Nifty100 Liquid 15 Index is computed using free float market capitalisation weighted method, wherein the level of the index reflects the total market value of all the stocks in the index relative to a particular base period. The method also takes into account constituent changes in the index and importantly corporate actions such as stock splits, rights, new issue of shares etc without affecting the index value.
Base Date and Value
Nifty100 Liquid 15 Index is online computed and disseminated from July 08, 2013, with base date and base value being January 01, 2009 and 1500 respectively.
Criteria for Selection of Constituent Stocks
The index shall have 15 stocks from the 100 stocks forming
part of Nifty 100 and are individually eligible in the F&O segment
as per the criteria stipulated by SEBI. For inclusion in the
index the stock shall have a minimum free float of Rs. 50
billion and have turnover ratio (TRO) greater than 100% in
majority of the last 6 months at time of review. The free float
shall be average daily free float during the month of review.
The turnover ratio shall be computed as given hereunder :
TRO = Monthly Turnover _______ x 12
Average free float during the month
Capping Criteria
At the time of rebalancing of shares/ change in index constituents/ change in investible weight factors (IWFs), the weightage of the index constituent (where applicable) is capped at 15%. Weightage of such stock may increase beyond 15% between the rebalancing periods.
Exclusion criteria
The index shall be reviewed on a semi-annual basis. If the
stock’s free float market capitalisation is less than Rs.40 billion
or TRO is less than 100% in 3 out of 6 months then such stock shall
be eligible for exclusion. The stock replacing it shall meet the
inclusion criteria mentioned above.
A stock continuing to meet the inclusion criteria may still be
excluded if any other stock meeting the inclusion criteria has free
float twice that of existing stock in the index. The total number
of stocks which shall be replaced in a review shall be restricted
to 2. If there are more than 2 stocks eligible for replacement then
stock with lower TRO frequency shall be replaced
Nifty Midcap Liquid 15 Index
Nifty Midcap Liquid 15 Index is designed to provide investors exposure to the liquid midcap stocks while making the index easily replicable and tradable. All the index constituents have derivatives traded on them, so it can be easily hedged and also arbitrage opportunities if any can be explored by the investors. The index constitutes only 15 stocks with maximum weight of single stock is capped at 15%.
Download List of Nifty Midcap Liquid 15 Index Stocks (.csv)
Download Fact Sheet of Nifty Midcap Liquid 15 Index (.pdf)
Download Methodology of Nifty Midcap Liquid 15 Index Stocks (.pdf)
Nifty Midcap Liquid 15 Index is computed using free float market capitalization weighted method, wherein the level of the index reflects the total market value of all the stocks in the index relative to a particular base period. The method also takes into account constituent changes in the index and importantly corporate actions such as stock splits, rights, new issue of shares etc without affecting the index value.
Base Date and Value
The Nifty Midcap Liquid 15 Index has a base date of Jan 1, 2009 and a base value of 1000.
Criteria for Selection of Constituent Stocks
The criteria for the Nifty Midcap Liquid 15 Index include the following:
- Companies which form part of Nifty Midcap 50 index are selected as the universe for the Index.
- Companies are selected on the parameter of Turnover ratio. The turnover ratio is calculated for each month. The companies with the turnover ratio of more than 100% in at least 3 of the last 6 months are considered for index construction.
- The turnover ratio shall be computed as under.
- Companies are than ranked in descending order of the free float market capitalisation. The top 15 companies are selected from this list to form the base index.
Nifty Shariah 25 Index
The Nifty Shariah Indices are designed to offer investors Shariah-compliant investment solutions. NSE Indices Limited (formerly known as India Index Services & Products Limited) (NSE Indices) calculates three Shariah indices – Nifty 50 Shariah, Nifty 500 Shariah & Nifty Shariah 25 index. Nifty Shariah 25 comprises of 25 shariah compliant companies listed on National Stock Exchange of India
Nifty50 Shariah
Nifty50 Shariah Index :
Current constituents of the Nifty 50 index are screened for Shariah compliance. Those that are compliant form the Nifty50 Shariah index. The resulting index performance closely tracks the performance of the parent index. The Nifty 50 index includes the largest and most liquid companies listed on the National Stock Exchange.
Download Nifty50 Shariah Factsheet (.pdf)
Nifty500 Shariah Index
Nifty500 Shariah Index :
Nifty 500 Index covers more than 90% of the total market capitalization and more than 80% of total traded volume on the National Stock Exchange. The current constituents of the index are screened for Shariah compliance. The resulting compliant stocks form the Nifty500 Shariah, which closely tracks the performance of the parent index
Download Nifty500 Shariah Factsheet (.pdf)