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Corporate Filings ADR - Further Issues XBRL Fillings Note * Please note that the aforesaid details have been submitted by the Issuer to the Exchange and has been uploaded on the website as it is.
For more information, Visit NSE India official website. Arbitration Panel - NSE India, National Stock Exchange of India /complaints/arbitration-panel
About Fixed Income Indices /products-services/about-equity-market Products & Services /products-services/about-equity-market Capital Market /products-services/about-indices Indices 1 Visit Nifty Indices Website Nifty Fixed Income indices offer independent
CIR /MRD/ DP/38/2013 dated December 19, 2013 and Exchange website page https://www.nseindia.com/regulations/periodic-call-auction-illiquid-securities).
Customised Indices /products-services/about-equity-market Products & Services /products-services/about-equity-market Capital Market /products-services/about-indices Indices 1 Visit Nifty Indices Website NSE Indices undertakes development & maintenance
The content of the website is provided without any express or implied warranty of any kind whatsoever.
These reports are being made available on NSE website for the purpose of providing investor awareness. These reports are provided for assistance only. NSE is under no obligation to update or keep the information current.
Investors could lodge their complaints in the format prescribed by the Exchange along with the supporting documents either by registering their complaints in electronic mode through our websitewww.nseindia.comor may send in their complaints to the nearest
The DRHP is available on the website of SEBI as well as on website of the Managers, Citigroup Global Markets India Private Limited at http://www.online.citibank.co.in/rhtm/citigroupglobalscreen1.htm, JM Financial Institutional Securities Limited at www.jmfl.com
Members Directory * * Settlement Guarantee Funds Contribution * Contract Expiry Details (Life Cycle) SEBI vide circular SEBI/HO/CDMRD/DNPMP/CIR/P/2019/08 dated January 04, 2019 has prescribed additional disclosures for stock exchanges on their websites
For more information, Visit NSE India official website. New Arbitration Hearing - NSE India, National Stock Exchange of India /invest/arbitration-hearing
Please verify the bank account details of the broker from the website of broker/Exchange before transferring funds to the broker. 13.
To understand more about how IPOs work or how to invest in IPO, visit NSE India official website now.
annual report, or if the annual report is not available, description of the company’s business provided in its red herring prospectus (RHP), information memorandum, any other regulatory filings by company, business description provided on company’s website
For more information, Visit NSE India official website.
The content of the website is provided without any express or implied warranty of any kind whatsoever.
capitalization (in terms of number of shares) OR * 5% of the open interest in all derivative contracts in the same underlying stock (in terms of number of shares) Client level position limits security-wise, are made available to members on NSE’s website
For more information, Visit NSE India official website.
of separate UDIFF Trade File for T0 trades for capital market segmentMay 22, 2024NSE/MSD/62142Standardization of Exchange to Member Interface files in Unified Distilled File Formats (UDiFF)December 21, 2023NSE/MSD/59875Availability of Information on Website
For more information, Visit NSE India official website.
* The offer document shall also be placed on the website of the concerned stock exchange and of the issuer clearly stating that it is in connection with institutional placement programme and that the offer is being made only to the qualified institutional
It has shortened the advance notice period from 7 days to 3 working days and instructed issuers to provide newspaper advertisement disclosing date of completion of dispatch and intimation of same to the stock exchanges for dissemination on their websites.
However, information received from such companies shall be disseminated on the Exchange’s website www.nseindia.com. 5.
Risk parameters generated based on the updated parameters are provided on the exchange website at (www.nseindia.com). Additional risk parameter file containing Interest Rate Futures and Currency futures contracts are provided in specific format.
For more information, Visit NSE India official website.
Formats are available in circular Download Ref No: NSE/MSD/61818 dated April 30, 2024 on the Exchange website. 5. How do I gain access to the Exchange Test Market Environment? vertical Yes.
capitalization (in terms of number of shares) or 5% of the open interest in all derivative contracts in the same underlying stock (in terms of number of shares) whichever is higher The position limits underlying-wise, are available to members on NSE's website
* VaR margin rate for each security is disseminated to the Participants through the Extranet and on the website of the Exchange. * The VaR margin so collected is released on completion of pay-in of the respective settlement.
* Error Code Value: 17070 * Description of Error Code: “The Price is out of the current execution LPP range” Members are requested to refer the latest API specification document of FO Segment available on NSE website for handling of LPP mechanism.
For more information, Visit NSE India official website. New Arbitration Hearing - NSE India, National Stock Exchange of India /complaints/arbitration-hearing
For more information, Visit NSE India official website. New Disposal of Arbitration Proceedings - NSE India, National Stock Exchange of India /invest/disposal-of-arbitration-proceedings
Director, Former Managing Director & CEO of Syndicate Bank Shanker Annaswamy Independent Director, Former Managing Director of IBM India Private Limited Ian Desouza Director, Chief Financial Officerof National Stock Exchange of India Limited Visit the website
Learn about the NCFM Foundation modules from the official website - NSE India /learn/self-study-ncfm-modules-foundation-modules
/products-services/about-electronic-bidding-platform Electronic Bidding 1 Click here to check Operating Guidelines (.pdf) Operating Guidelines headingWithBorder DebtMain Official operating guidelines for electronic guidelenes from the official NSE website.
For more information, Visit NSE India official website.
* Use of the NSE website is governed by the Terms of Use (22f and 23).
List of refineries conforming to the quality specification as per the good delivery standard shall be updated on the exchange website.
Market Indices /products-services/about-equity-market Products & Services /products-services/about-equity-market Capital Market /products-services/about-indices Indices /products-services/indices-broad-market Broad Market Indices 1 Visit NIFTY Indices Website
Annual Charges for 1 minute snapshot/delayed data: SegmentFee ()*Capital Market Segment13,20,000Futures & Option Segment13,20,000Currency Derivatives Segment4,50,000 (*)The above mentioned snapshot/delayed commercials are per medium of data display i.e. website/App
ANNUAL REPORTS Equity Note * The Annual Reports available on the website are based on the submission made by the Companies. /corporate-filings-annual-reports-equity
Marg, Vikhroli (West), Mumbai - 400 083 Tel: 022 4918 6270 Fax: 022 4918 6060 Website:www.linkintime.co.in Email:rnt.helpdesk@linkintime.co.in NSEClearingmain /nse-clearing/transfer-agent
Marg, Ghatkopar (W), Mumbai - 400 086, India T: +91 22 6619 0000, F: +91 22 2500 4135/1861 Sales Enquires sales@cogencis.com For more information please visit our Cogencis website Contact Us headingWithBorder NSECogencismain /cogencis/contact-us
For more information, Visit NSE India official website. New Arbitration Awards - NSE India, National Stock Exchange of India /invest/arbitration-awards
For more information, Visit NSE India official website. New Arbitration Awards - NSE India, National Stock Exchange of India /complaints/arbitration-awards
Multi Asset Indices /products-services/about-equity-market Products & Services /products-services/about-equity-market Capital Market /products-services/about-indices Indices 1 Visit Nifty Indices Website The Nifty Multi Index series comprises of the indices
For more information, Visit NSE India official website.
For more information, Visit NSE India official website.
* Use of the NSE website is governed by the Terms of Use (22f and 23).
Hybrid Indices /products-services/about-equity-market Products & Services /products-services/about-equity-market Capital Market /products-services/about-indices Indices 1 Visit Nifty Indices Website The Nifty Hybrid Index series comprises 6 indices that
The list of such securities identified under ESM shall be informed to the market participants from time to time and shall be available on the exchange's website.