Investor Risk Reduction Access (IRRA)
The Investor Risk Reduction Access platform, also known as IRRA, is a platform jointly developed by stock exchanges as per the guidelines issued by SEBI vide circular no. SEBI/HO/MIRSD/MIRSD-PoD1/P/CIR/2022/177 dated December 30,2022.
IRRA is a cloud based platform connecting to all stock exchanges which will brought up on daily basis in a dormant state.
IRRA platform will be available in case of disruption of trading services provided by the Trading Member (TM). Its purpose is to provide investors with an opportunity to square off/close their open positions and cancel pending orders using the IRRA platform in case of technical glitches or unforeseen outages that render the Trading Member's site inaccessible.
IRRA platform will be available from October 03, 2023.