GiftNiftyFutures 27-Mar-2025
23,476.50 50.50 (0.22%)

22-Mar-2025 02:47

26-Mar-2025 | 86.0150

21-Mar-2025 17:00

Lac Crs 410.79 | Tn $ 4.76


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Non NEAT Front end

Exchange provides a trading front-end ‘NEAT’ for trading. However, if the member wants to customize the trading front-end according to his requirements, the member can do so and can develop a Non-NEAT front-end. This facility is available to the trading member of the exchange.

The registration process of Non-NEAT front-end is governed by the Exchange. For developing the Non-NEAT front-end application, member has to refer an API document of the Exchange. This document describes the protocol to be used for Non-NEAT Front-end (NNF) to communicate with the Exchange’s Trading System and thus serves as a development guide for the NNF users. Alternately, the members can procure the Non-NEAT Front-end from the vendors empanelled with the Exchange.

Product category

The Exchange has made available the CTCL / Internet based trading (IBT) / Direct Market Access (DMA)/ Security trading thought wireless technology facility (STWT)/ Automated /Algorithm Trading (ALGO)/ Smart order router (SOR) to the Trading Members, subject to such terms and conditions as specified by the Exchange from time to time in the Scheme Governing the use of facility relating to CTCL / IBT / DMA / AGO / STWT / SOR facility (hereinafter referred to as the ‘NNF facility scheme’). Each trading member willing to avail of the CTCL / IBT / DMA / AGO / STWT / SOR facility or any other NON-NEAT Front-end (NNF) trading facility provided by the Exchange from time to time, shall execute an undertaking in favour of Exchange in the format prescribed by Exchange and agree to abide by any modifications / additions to the ‘NNF facility scheme’ effected by the Exchange from time to time. Submission of NNF undertaking by the members as per circular download no NSE/MSD/61825 and NSE/MSD/62692 dated April 30, 2024 and June 28, 2024 respectively.

Note:-NNF undertaking submission is applicable for members who avail NNF facility for the first time. Subsequently member is required to place an undertaking submission request on ENIT portal for each vendor.

Trading members are required to populate the following values in the field provided (15-digit) in the order structure for every order emanating from NNF terminal.

Identification of 12-digits

111111111111 Internet based trading (IBT) order identification
222222222222 Direct Market Access (DMA) order identification
333333333333 Securities trading using wireless technologies (STWT) order identification

The Trading members shall report client details of DMA IDs to the Exchange subsequent to reporting of the 12 digit DMA id through (ENIT) as per details specified in Exchange circular NSE/MSD/61823 dated April 30, 2024 and updated from time to time.

Identification of 13th Digit

0 OR 1 OR 2 OR 3 OR 4 ‘0’ (for Any Algorithmic order)
‘1’ (for non-algorithmic orders)
‘2’ (for Algorithmic orders using SOR
‘3’ (for non-algorithmic orders using SOR)
‘4’ (for Inter Exchange Algorithmic orders)

Identification of 14-15 digits

Trading members are required to populate the following values in the field provided in the order structure for identification of vendor / In-house member.

0 Vendor code for in-House
Updated on: 08/08/2024