GiftNiftyFutures 27-Mar-2025
23,733.00 -16.00 (-0.07%)

25-Mar-2025 12:13

26-Mar-2025 | 85.7300

25-Mar-2025 12:13

Lac Crs 415.65 | Tn $ 4.84


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User ID

The trading system of the Exchange is accessed by the trading member through various modes of connectivity with a unique identification number called User ID. The User ID is a system generated number which is allotted to an “Approved User” of the Trading Member.

User ID - Types and Certification requirement:

NEAT ID: Neat IDs are issued to trading members to access the trading platform of the Exchange. Each NEAT user is assigned a status as Corporate Manager / Branch Manager / Dealer. These IDs are issued to Approved user depending on fulfilment of the certification requirement as may be specified by SEBI/Exchange, from time to time.

Members have an option to convert their NEAT IDs to Non-Neat Front end (NNF) and/or enable them for NNF products and shall report the details of 12 digit terminals to the Exchange before routing any order through such terminals.

Trading member desirous of obtaining user IDs are required to meet certification requirement as specified by SEBI /Exchange from time to time. Applicable requirement are as follows:





Capital Market Segment

Valid NCFM / NISM Series VII certification for Corporate Manager & Branch Manager User ID.


Futures & Options Segment

Valid Certificate issued through SEBI approved certification programme for each User ID.


Currency Derivatives Segment

Valid Certificate issued through SEBI approved certification programme for each User ID in Currency Derivatives and Interest Rate Derivatives.


Commodity Derivatives Segment

Valid Certificate issued through SEBI approved certification programme for each User ID.


Non-NEAT ID: Exchange has provided a separate category of Non-Neat user without NEAT login facility along with the current categories of users. Members are requested to note that such category of user shall not be allowed to login/ trade through NEAT/NEAT Plus. Members will be required to build additional back up facilities for exigency. This category of user will not be required to provide any certification as the user does not have trading eligibility by itself.

User ID allotment limits under different connectivity type:

The trading members are allotted User IDs across segments depending upon the choice of scenarios of connectivity. For connectivity options at NSE- refer - Members can also specify the distribution of the messages for each of the segments subject to the maximum permissible limits as specified below.  

(A) (B) (C) (D)
A 40 50 User IDs per box for each segment (CM, FO, CD) All dealers can be converted into NNF/CTCL subject to (C)
B 100
C 200
D 400
E 1000
F 2000
G 5000
H 10000

Note: CO segment default Message per box is 120 and User limit is 50.

Type of User ID requests:

Trading members can submit the various types of User ID requests through our dedicated electronic member interface ‘ENIT’ ( through the below mentioned path - Trading>User ID request). All the requests submitted from ENIT need to be digitally signed.  

Various types of request:

  • Request for New NEAT User ID / new CTCL enabled NEAT user ID
  • Shifting of user ID
  • Change User Name
  • Disablement of User ID
  • Multiple Locking of User ID
  • Removal of Multiple Lock
  • User PAN Update
  • Branch Shift
  • User ID Validity Updation
  • SLBM Enablement/Disablement
  • Change User Status

Reporting of 12 digit terminal details

Trading members are required to report the 12 digit CTCL/IBT/DMA/STWT terminal details (activations as well as deactivations) irrespective of purpose (Trading / Testing / View / Admin) to avoid mismatches. The reporting can be done through the electronic interface provided by the Exchange (ENIT). Failure to upload the details or upload of incorrect details will lead to CTCL ID mismatch, and result in levy of penalty and/or other disciplinary action as may be deemed necessary by the relevant authority.

In order to facilitate members with the mismatch details, Provisional CTCL mismatches file is provided on daily basis so as to enable them to take immediate corrective action and avoid penalty charges by reporting the correct terminals details. The report is available in ENIT in the following link:> Trading > Trade Compliance (Post Trade) > Provisional CTCL Mismatch (Report)  

Trading members failing to report the correct terminal details appearing in the provisional file on the same day, the mismatches become final and are transferred to Final CTCL mismatches. The report is available in ENIT in the following link:> Trading > Trade Compliance (Post Trade) > Final CTCL Mismatch (Report).  

For other details on user id kindly refer User-id consolidated circular.

In case of any queries/clarification on User IDs, please contact on Toll Free number: 1800 266 0050 or email us at


Updated on: 12/01/2024