E-Book (SAT Orders & Regulations)
"National Stock Exchange (NSE) has embarked upon the exercise of compiling the SAT orders regulation wise in e-book form. This compilation has 5 volumes viz.,
1. Takeover Regulations
2. FUTP Regulations
3. Stock Broker Sub broker Regulations
4. SEBI Act
5. SEBI Regulations (Mutual Funds, Merchant Bankers, Collective Investment Schemes)
The compilation consists of SAT orders in chronological order under each of the above categories and covers the entire period since inception of SAT till March 31, 2016. This compilation will be useful to capital market intermediaries and other practitioners specializing in the areas of regulatory work relating to capital markets."
Book Name |
Takeover Regulations |
Stock Broker - Sub broker Regulations |
SEBI Act |
SEBI Regulations ( Mutual Funds, Merchant Bankers, Collective Investment Schemes,..) |
Click here for SAT E-book Registration
Note: The book purchased shall be used solely for internal purposes. Further, the same shall not publish, reproduce and/or redistribute or any component thereof in any manner to any other person without the prior written consent of NSE Data & Analytics.
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