GiftNiftyFutures 27-Mar-2025
23,679.50 -69.50 (-0.29%)

25-Mar-2025 15:40

26-Mar-2025 | 85.7100

25-Mar-2025 16:17

Lac Crs 412.35 | Tn $ 4.81


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Securities Transaction Tax

Securities Transaction Tax Computation

As per the Finance Act 2004, and modified by Finance Act 2023 (No. 8 of 2023) STT on the transactions executed on the Exchange shall be as under:



RATES W.E.F. APRIL 1, 2023







Sale of an option in securities

0.0625 per cent



Sale of an option in securities, where option is exercised

0.125 per cent



Sale of a futures in securities

0.0125 per cent


  • Value of taxable securities transaction relating to an "option in securities" shall be the option premium, in case of sale of an option in securities.
  • Value of taxable securities transaction relating to an "option in securities, where option is exercised" shall be the intrinsic value (being the difference between the settlement price and the strike price).


The following procedure is adopted by the Exchange in respect of the calculation and collection of STT:

  • STT is applicable on all sell transactions for both futures and option contracts.
  • For the purpose of STT, each futures trade is valued at the actual traded price and option trade is valued at premium. On this value, the STT rate as prescribed is applied to determine the STT liability. In case of final exercise of an option contract STT is levied on settlement price on the day of exercise if the option contract is in the money.
  • STT payable by the clearing member is the sum total of STT payable by all trading members clearing under him. The trading member's liability is the aggregate STT liability of clients trading through him.

Information to members

A report is provided to the members at the end of each trading day. The report contains information on the total STT liability, trading member wise STT liability, client wise STT liability and also the detailed computations for determining the client wise STT liability.

The naming convention of the STT Report for Trading Member is F_STT01_DDMMYYYY.CSV. The report is available in the directory /FAOFTP/F/REPORTS.

File details and format are as follows:

Control record type 10 - STT information at Trading Member level
Record Type
STT date
Trading Member Code
Total STTDetails record type 20 - STT information at Client level
Record Type
STT date
Trading Member Code
Trading client code
Total STTDetails record type 30 - STT information at client contract level for sale of contracts
Record Type
STT date
Trading Member Code
Client Code
Instrument Type
Expiry Date
Strike price
Option Type
CA level
Sell quantity
Sell value
Taxable sell value futures
Taxable sell value options
STT futures
STT options
Total STTDetails record type 40 - STT information at client contract level for exercise of contracts
Record Type
STT date
Trading Member Code
Trading Client Code
Instrument Type
Expiry Date
Strike price
Option Type
CA level
Exercise quantity
Exercise value
Taxable Exercise value
STT options
Total STT

Updated on: 30/05/2023