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When a TMs defaults, the Exchange carries out the following steps for benefit of investor: * Dissemination on Exchange website with regard to the default of the TM.
Finalization of supporting documents as available on the Exchange website on the link: https://www.nseindia.com/trade/membership-enablement c. Ensuring availability of at least one active connectivity.
NSE shall host on the website list of companies who have submitted the above mentioned documents along with the plan of action. 4.
Corporate Filings ADR - Further Issues XBRL Fillings Note * Please note that the aforesaid details have been submitted by the Issuer to the Exchange and has been uploaded on the website as it is.
CIR /MRD/ DP/38/2013 dated December 19, 2013 and Exchange website page https://www.nseindia.com/regulations/periodic-call-auction-illiquid-securities).
The DRHP is available on the website of SEBI as well as on website of the Managers, Citigroup Global Markets India Private Limited at http://www.online.citibank.co.in/rhtm/citigroupglobalscreen1.htm, JM Financial Institutional Securities Limited at www.jmfl.com
ANNUAL REPORTS Equity Note * The Annual Reports available on the website are based on the submission made by the Companies. /corporate-filings-annual-reports-equity
Marg, Vikhroli (West), Mumbai - 400 083 Tel: 022 4918 6270 Fax: 022 4918 6060 Website:www.linkintime.co.in Email:rnt.helpdesk@linkintime.co.in NSEClearingmain /nse-clearing/transfer-agent
Marg, Ghatkopar (W), Mumbai - 400 086, India T: +91 22 6619 0000, F: +91 22 2500 4135/1861 Sales Enquires sales@cogencis.com For more information please visit our Cogencis website Contact Us headingWithBorder NSECogencismain /cogencis/contact-us
For more information, Visit NSE India official website. New Arbitration Awards - NSE India, National Stock Exchange of India /invest/arbitration-awards
For more information, Visit NSE India official website. New Arbitration Awards - NSE India, National Stock Exchange of India /complaints/arbitration-awards
Multi Asset Indices /products-services/about-equity-market Products & Services /products-services/about-equity-market Capital Market /products-services/about-indices Indices 1 Visit Nifty Indices Website The Nifty Multi Index series comprises of the indices
For more information, Visit NSE India official website.
For more information, Visit NSE India official website.
* Use of the NSE website is governed by the Terms of Use (22f and 23).
Hybrid Indices /products-services/about-equity-market Products & Services /products-services/about-equity-market Capital Market /products-services/about-indices Indices 1 Visit Nifty Indices Website The Nifty Hybrid Index series comprises 6 indices that
The list of such securities identified under ESM shall be informed to the market participants from time to time and shall be available on the exchange's website.
* Use of the NSE website is governed by theTerms of Use (22f and 23).
For more information, Visit NSE India official website.
registered intermediary, he need not undergo the same process again with another intermediary * Contact us on phone No : 022 2659 8182 * Help lines for Technical Queries : 022 2659 8182 / 2659 8407 * E-mail :dotex_kraops@nse.co.in Click here to visitKRAwebsite
arise between Member(s) (who is acting as designated Market Maker) and their clients, Market Maker is requested to apprise about its appointment as a Designated Market Maker to its clients by any means of communication such as display on their website,
Important information regarding the company is announced to the market through the Broadcast Mode on the NEAT System as well as disseminated through the NSE website.
Exchange uploads the DRHP/DP on the Website of the Exchange 3. Company has to file an application on NEAPS and attach the relevant documents as per the Checklist specified by the Exchange 4.
snapshot/delayed data: SEGMENTDOMESTIC (INR)INTERNATIONAL (USD)Capital Market1,400,00022,000Futures and Options1,400,00022,000Currency Derivatives7,00,00011,000 (*)The above mentioned snapshot/delayed commercials are per medium of data display i.e. website/App
The announcement will be disseminated by the Exchange on its website immediately to inform the market. 6.How is the information regarding e-OFS communicated to market participants?
Investor can get the details of trading members of the Exchange on the website www.nseindia.com.
The circulars are available on our website at the following link: Check Latest Circulars /regulations/additional-surveillance-measure-equity-derivatives
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Working Papers /research/research-overview Research /research/research-initiatives Initiatives 1 Sr. No.TitleAuthor InitiativesYearWorking PaperWhite PaperPresentation241Do ESG scores influence institutional ownership?
R H Patil Memorial Lecture 2018 /national-stock-exchange/about-nse-company About NSE /event-gallery Event Gallery https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/web/sites/default/files/2019-08/banner2_0.png.jpg Dr.
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Ashishkumar Chauhan https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/web/sites/default/files/2023-10/Ashishkumar%20Chauhan_1_0_0.png Mr. Ashishkumar Chauhan 300 300 15-Mar-2025 Public Interest Director, Professor in IIT Bombay Prof.
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business of providing engineering services for engineering systems, built on automotive chassis and allied areas, majorly for airports, high rise buildings and refineries, gets listed on NSE Emerge on January 10, 2023 About the event headingWithBorder https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/web/sites/default/files/2023-01/PHOTO-2023-01-10-10-19-13.jpg
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issuers across asset classes in India and provides several investor solutions including transaction origination and processing for mutual funds and private retirement schemes in Malaysia, the Philippines and Hong Kong About the event headingWithBorder https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/web/sites/default/files/2022-12/1_11.jpg
About the event headingWithBorder https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/web/sites/default/files/2023-01/DSC_9649.JPG 489 1088 image https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/web/sites/default/files/2023-01/DSC_9649_0.JPG 489 1088 https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/web/sites/default/files/2023-01/DSC_9667.JPG
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Amit Gupta - Chairam and Managing Director Congratulations A G Universal Limited on getting listed on NSE Emerge Today About the event headingWithBorder https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/web/sites/default/files/2023-05/IMG_20230424_095126518_HDR_1.jpg
The company is engaged in the manufacturing of snacks and food products About the event heading https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/web/sites/default/files/2022-09/DCSC_5843_0.jpg 498 1008 image https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/web/sites/default/files/2022-09/DCSC_5843_1.jpg
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Economic Times Auto media https://auto.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/industry/msmes-to-contribute-50-to-gdp-in-next-5-years-nitin-gadkari/70785708 https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/web/sites/default/files/2019-11/70785754.jpg Economic Times Auto 900
Seminars and Panel Discussions /research/research-overview Research /research/engagements-overview Engagements 1 Date EventPlaceCategory19-Oct-2023NSE-IMF Seminar on Regional Economic Outlook YouTube Link HybridMacroeconomics11-May-2023NSE-IMF Seminar
* * For searching for an older circular, click on “Custom” button and input an approximate date range by. * * When searching for circular period greater than 6 months - selection of “Department” is mandatory.