GiftNiftyFutures 27-Mar-2025
23,749.00 0.00 (0.00%)

25-Mar-2025 14:51

26-Mar-2025 | 85.7725

25-Mar-2025 14:52

Lac Crs 415.65 | Tn $ 4.85


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All the entities (participants) desirous of settling trades in corporate bonds through NSE Clearing shall register with NSE Clearing. Entities carrying out settlement on behalf of participants shall also be registered as participants.

All entities desirous of carrying out clearing and settlement of trades in corporate bonds through NSE Clearing shall be required to submit following documents as a part of registration procedure.

  1. Participants carrying out clearing and settlement for themselves to execute the Corporate Bond Settlement Agreement as per the 
    Download Corporate Bond Settlement Agreement - Annexure 1 (.pdf)
  2. Participants carrying out clearing and settlement on behalf of other participants i.e., custodians to execute the Corporate Bond Settlement Agreement as per 
    Download Corporate Bond Settlement Agreement - Annexure 2 (.pdf)

The agreement shall be required to be executed on Rs.100 franked document and signed and stamped on all pages.

Participants shall also submit the details of their bank and DP account, through which the pay-in and payout shall be done, to the Clearing Corporation in the specified 
Download Corporate Bond Settlement Agreement - Annexure 3 (.pdf)

On registration of participants NSE Clearing shall provide its Bank Account and Depository Account which shall be used for carrying out settlements.

Updated on: 04/01/2023