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FAQs on Password Policy, Password Reset and Unlocking


Neat ids are issued to trading members to access the trading platform of the Exchange. Each NEAT user is assigned a status as Corporate Manager / Branch Manager / Dealer. These ids are issued to approved users depending on fulfilment of the certification requirement as may be specified by SEBI/Exchange, from time to time.

To login in the Trading system, members are required to adhere to the password policy set by the Exchange for the Exchange allotted user ids. The current Password Policy for user ids logging in the trading system of Capital Market, Futures & Options, Currency Derivatives, Commodity Derivatives Segments and Securities Lending and Borrowing Markets is summarized as below:

Applicable password policy:

  1. The length of password should be of exact 8 characters.
  2. The password shall be case sensitive and should contain at least one each of the following characters with no space:
    1. Uppercase: A to Z
    2. Lowercase: a to z
    3. Digit: 0 to 9
    4. Non-Alphanumeric: Special characters @ # $ % & * / \
  3. User shall be compulsorily required to change password after the lapse of 14 days
  4. New password must be different from previous 5 passwords
  5. User Id shall be locked after 3 invalid login attempts
  6. User shall not be allowed to set the default password as new password

To understand the Password Policy, procedure for password reset and the concept of unlocking for the Exchange allotted Neat User IDs, a detailed FAQ is provided herewith.

The trading member has the facility of defining a hierarchy amongst its users of the NEAT system. This hierarchy is depicted as follows:

The users of the trading system can logon as either of the user type. The significance of each type is explained below:

  1. Corporate Manager: The corporate manager is a term assigned to a user placed at the highest level in a trading firm. The user can reset password for all branch manager and dealer user ID’s under them.

  2. Branch Manager: The branch manager is a term assigned to a user who is placed under the corporate manager. The
    user can reset password for all dealer user ID’s under their branch only.

  3. Dealer: Dealers are users at the lowest level of the hierarchy.

It is applicable to all types of Exchange allotted user ID’s i.e. NEAT, NEAT Plus and NNF users.

This change is related to Exchange allotted user ID’s and login only. Password policy for client login remains unchanged.

The default password to login in respective segments is as mentioned below:

Segment Default Password
Capital Market (CM) Neat@CM1
Futures & Options (FO) Neat@FO1
Currency Derivatives (CD) Neat@CD1
Commodity Derivatives (CO) Neat@CO1
Securities Lending and Borrowing Market (SLBM) Neat@SL1

At the time of allotment of user ID’s the password is set to default by the Exchange. Members are required use the default password to login.

No. Members are required to change the password at the time of first login as per the password policy of the Exchange. In case the new password does not comply with the password policy of the Exchange, the login shall be rejected by the Exchange with error code 16006 after attempting login.

Member can place the request for password reset and unlocking of Corporate manager, branch manager and dealer user id via ENIT web portal or ENIT mobile application.

Additionally, the corporate manager user also has the rights to re-set the password and unlock all the users (including branch manager and dealers) mapped under them via NEAT/NEAT Plus.

The corporate manager can place the request for Dealer and Branch manager from Exchange provided NEAT / NEAT Plus trading terminal for all users under him on the below path:

For password reset request:

NEAT / NEAT PLUS - Dialogs > Reset Password

For Unlock request:

NEAT / NEAT PLUS - Dialogs > Unlock User

Upon submitting the request for resetting the password, the password is set to default as mentioned in the table provided in answer to Q4.

User will have to digitally submit password re-set / unlock facility for NEAT Corporate Manager ID through ENIT. User can track request status and will get status update via SMS or email alert for the Submission, Completion /Rejection of requests.

For Password reset facility:

  • User has forgotten his current password
  • User has disabled his NEAT corporate manager ID by exceeding his login attempts

For Unlock facility:

  • In the absence of dual locking the member can unlock his user ID to login from alternate connectivity
  • Trading Exigencies at member end due to which he is not able to login through his connectivity

Member is required to submit the request through ENIT on the below path:

ENIT - New-Trade > Trade > Password Reset/Unlock > Request for Password Reset/Unlock.

When password is reset by the Exchange, the new password is the default password as mentioned above for the respective segments.

Please refer Exchange circular number NSE/MSD/39128 dated October 11, 2018 for the same. The user manual contains detailed steps on how to use this facility.

Download FAQs on Password Policy, Password Reset and Unlocking (.pdf)


“This document/FAQ has been drafted in order to ease Member’s/reader’s understanding of the subject matter. The information and/ or content (collectively ‘Information’) provided herein is general information only and NSE has issued detailed circulars to that effect from time to time. While reasonable care has been exercised to ensure that the information is adequate and reliable, no representation is made by NSE as to its accuracy or completeness and NSE, its affiliates and subsidiaries accept no liability of whatsoever nature for any direct or consequential loss, including without limitation any loss of profits, arising from reliance on this information. The readers are expected to undertake their own diligence and are advised not to solely rely on this document. Any such reliance shall be at the reader’s own risk. Nothing stated herein shall bind NSE, in any manner whatsoever.”

Updated on: 05/11/2024