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FAQs on Test Market Environment for Members


Members desirous of using Non-Neat Frontend Software’s to connect to the Exchange’s Trading System are required to test the same in the Exchange Test Market Environment prior to deploying the same in LIVE (Production Environment). 'Software‟ means electronic systems or applications used by stock brokers / trading members for connecting to the Stock Exchanges and for the purposes of trading and real-time risk management, including software used for Internet Based Trading (IBT), Direct Market Access (DMA), Securities Trading using Wireless Technology (STWT), Smart Order Routing (SOR), Algorithmic Trading (AT), etc.

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited thus provides test market facility (hereafter referred to as Test Market Environment) to market participants for development and testing activities of their Non-Neat Frontend Trading Software’s.

In order to familiarize the members with the Test Market Environment, the member queries have been summarized in the form of an FAQ.

Test market environment can be accessed by all Members of the Exchange. Test market access is also available to Empanelled Vendors, Application Service Providers and Foreign Independent Software Vendors of the Exchange, however the same is out of scope of this FAQ document.

Test market access is available on Lease Lines and Colocation facility.

(Note: MPLS had been discontinued w.e.f. March 31, 2021. Kindly refer circular Download Ref. No. NSE/MSD/45173 dated July 30, 2020 for details)

As mentioned above, Test market can be accessed only from Lease Lines and Colocation facility. Test market environment cannot be accessed via Internet.

Test market access is provided for CM, FO, CD, COM, SLBM and IPO-OFS segments of the Exchange.

Note: Access to Commodity segment test market is not available in Colocation environment

Interested members are required to submit their applications to the Exchange in the prescribed format. Formats are available in circular Download Ref No: NSE/MSD/61818 dated April 30, 2024 on the Exchange website.

Yes. You can connect to Live as well as test market environments from the same mode of connectivity.  The configuration parameters to connect to the test market environment are different from that of the Live environment. Simply configure the parameters for whichever environment you wish to connect to and proceed.

Test market connectivity parameter for interactive and broadcast are different from live environment. Details of the same are available at the following link: 

No. Test market credentials i.e. BOX ID’s and User ID’s are different from Live Environment. You will be able to connect to the Test environment ONLY with the user Id’s and box id’s that have been created and enabled in the test market environment. Details of these will have been shared with you vide email at the time of applying for Test market access.

There are no charges for the first set of user ID’s applied for accessing the Test market environment. However members are free to apply for an additional set of User ID’s as per their requirement by submitting their request in the prescribed format and paying the applicable charges of Rs.50,000 + applicable taxes for each additional set.

One set of User IDs shall comprise of 1 corporate manager id, 1 branch manager id and 2 dealer ids in each segment.

As stated above, the first set of ID’s are free. However members who wish to, may apply for any number of additional sets of user ID’s subject to making the application in the prescribed format and paying the requisite charges.

Each additional set of user ID’s can be procured at a charge of Rs.50,000 + applicable tax.

Payment for the same is collected from the Exchange Dues account for registered members. In the case of prospective members, cheque/NEFT payment is permissible along with the application for test market access.

On applying for the same, an email confirmation to that effect shall be sent to the member at the email id mentioned in the form.

The process of granting test market access is generally complete within T+2 days.

Test market is typically up at the timings specified above. Incase of any planned down-time, members are intimated via email at the email id’s provided by them.

Simply send an email to ‘’ stating the list of email id’s to be added to the notification list.

NEAT, NEAT +, NEAT Adapter as well as UDP applications are available for login in the test market environment.

Default password is shared in the email send to the member at the time of first time set-up.

Password reset facility is provided in NEAT at:

Neat Plus - Dialogs > Reset Password

Shortcut Key – Ctrl+Alt+R

The test market master files are separate from live market environment. Master files i.e. Security.txt / contract.txt / participant.txt / MTBT stream info files etc. of the respective segments are updated on a periodic basis in the test environment. The required master files for participating in the test environment can be downloaded from the following link: 

Timings for various sessions in the test market environment is provided under the link:
Members may refer to the details mentioned therein. 

Yes. Members can call the exchange / send requests via mail on email id to initiate Auction session in the test market environment.

Just like trading in Live environment, Members are required to set their branch / user limits for test market environment by logging in from their corporate manager terminal in the respective segments, prior to placing orders in the test market environment.

Members may refer to circular Download Ref No: NSE/MSD/61818 dated April 30, 2024 and NSE/MSD/44949 dated July 08, 2020 for detailed instructions and formats for accessing the test market environment. 

The installation process is same as that of Live environment except for the parameters. However, members can call the Exchange support through helpdesk (call / emails) for the test market environment upto 7:30 PM on regular trading days.

Members are requested not to transfer any data files for this session. Trades resulting from participation in the test market environment do not attract any obligation in terms of funds and / or securities pay-in and/or pay-out.

Members are requested to complete basic checks as mentioned below:

  1. You are using the correct credentials of IP – BOX ID - User ID combination as provided by the Exchange for accessing the Test market environment in the respective segment.
  2. Interactive parameters for test market environment i.e. Destination IP and Port are configured correctly for respective segment.
  3. Broadcast parameters for test market environment i.e. Multicast IP and Port are configured correctly for respective segment.
  4. You are able to have as successful Host Telnet as well as Box Telnet. (You may call the Exchange while performing the telnet if required)
  5. You are using the latest versions of NEAT / NEAT Plus and NEAT Adaptor applications as communicated by the Exchange for test market environment in the respective segment.

Login related trouble shooting guide:

  1. Error Code: 16006 - Invalid Sign on
    Check if using the correct credentials (Box ID and User ID) and interactive parameters as provided by the Exchange.
    Check the version (NEAT /NEAT ADAPTER).
    If error while setting new password it should comply with the password policy of the Exchange.
  2. Error Code: 16403 - Sign on from different location
    Check if using the correct credentials (IP - Box ID - User ID combination) as provided by the Exchange
  3. Error Code: 16134 - User ID disabled
    In case of Dealer User ID, kindly reset the same from the Corporate Manager terminal.
    In case of corporate manager user id, kindly send a mail to the Exchange to reset the same.
  4. Error Code: 16004 - User Already Signed on
    In case of Dealer User ID, kindly reset the same from the Corporate Manager terminal.
    In case of corporate manager user id, kindly send a mail to the Exchange to reset the same.
  5. Error Code: 16100 - BOX/Trading system version number is invalid
    Check if using the latest versions of NEAT / NEAT Plus applicable for test market environment.
  6. Error Code: 16053 - Password expired
    Kindly set new password as per the password policy of the Exchange.
  7. Error Code: 17101 - Invalid Packet
    In case of login via NEAT Adaptor, kindly check the NA server machine time and date (Time one must be UTC +5:30). The system date should be current date for successful login

Order entry related trouble shooting guide:

  1. Orders are getting rejected due to DPR.
    Kindly ensure that you are using the master files of test market environment for testing. Secuity.txt / contact.txt of respective segments are different for test market and live market environment.
  2. Orders are getting rejected due to LPP (Limit Price Protection range)
    LPP is a dynamic range in the derivatives segments. Also, many members are participating in the test market environment as such you may encounter continued rejection for LPP. In such cases you are advised to kindly test in another contract. Alternatively, you may also call the Exchange for resolving the LPP rejections in the test market environment by providing details of the contract.
  3. It may be noted that any order rejected by the Exchange is responded with an “Order no.” along with an Error code and reason code. You may refer the API documents for detailed description of the same.
  4. For further technical queries members are required to send email / call the Exchange with the following details:
    1. Member Code, Member Name 
    2. Segment, User ID, BOX ID and IP
    3. Details of login protocol used i.e. NEAT Adaptor / Direct Connection
    4. Query in brief along with details of exchange order no., trade no., error code, reason codes, screenshots of error etc. 
    5. Contact details i.e. Name and contact no of the concerned person with whom our technical team can connect in case of any discussion required on the said query.
    6. Please note that since the queries are technical in nature and will require time for analysis, the Exchange SLA shall be atleast 7 working days in such cases.

Download FAQs on NSE Test Market Environment for Members (.pdf)

Reference Exchange Circular:-

Circular Download Ref. No. : NSE/MSD/61818 dated April 30, 2024

Disclaimer :

“This document/FAQ has been drafted in order to ease Member’s/reader’s understanding of the subject matter. The information and/ or content (collectively ‘Information’) provided herein is general information only and NSE has issued detailed circulars to that effect from time to time, While reasonable care has been exercised to ensure that the information is adequate and reliable, no representation is made by NSE as to its accuracy or completeness and NSE, its affiliates and subsidiaries accept no liability of whatsoever nature for any direct or consequential loss, including without limitation any loss of profits, arising from reliance on this information. The readers are expected to undertake their own diligence and are advised not to solely rely on this document. Any such reliance shall be at the reader’s own risk. Nothing stated herein shall bind NSE, in any manner whatsoever.”

Updated on: 22/08/2024